PROJECT BACKGROUND The concept of food systems encompasses a diverse range of elements, activities, and outcomes related to food production, distribution, and consumption. The complexity and interconnectedness of these systems, coupled with their integration with […]
Running Projects
UNDERPIN addresses the vision of European Digital Single Market with the idea of a European-wide Data Space for Manufacturing for dynamic asset management and predictive/prescriptive maintenance. European manufacturers in the refinery and renewable energy domains, […]
XR5.0 aims to build, demonstrate, and validate a novel Person-Centric and AI-based XR paradigm that will be tailored to the requirements and nature of I5.0 applications. In this direction, the project specifies structuring principles and […]
The HumAIne project represents a groundbreaking initiative in the field of artificial intelligence, focusing on the development of advanced and trusted human-AI collaboration applications. This project is set to redefine interactions in dynamic, unstructured environments […]
AGORA – trAining younG researchers On shaping Metaverse for businessand social vAlue” project, a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)Doctoral Network. AGORA (101119937) project is a research and educational programme ofdoctoral studies which aims to train the […]
RAISE Science
The European Research Data Landscape study (European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, European Research Data Landscape : final report, Publications Office of the European Union, 2022, looks at researchers’ practices in producing, reusing […] Project aims the enhanced systemization of the basic processes of the mining industry, that involve asset and process equipment optimization, based on completely data-driven processes and the integrated cyber-virtual and cyber-physical systems, automation and […]
HE-101092639-FAME: FAME is a joint effort of world-class experts in data management, data technologies, the data economy, and digital finance to develop, deploy and launch to the global market a unique, open, publicly accessible, trustworthy, […]
The EU-CIP project is a Horizon Europe-funded project (October 2022-September 2025), aiming to establish a novel pan-European knowledge network for Resilient Infrastructures, which will enable policymakers to shape and produce data-driven evidence-based policies, while boosting […]
e-IRGSP7 provides the core support services to the e-Infrastructure Reflection Group (e-IRG). The project supports e-IRG in providing advice on policy-making towards inclusive, federated, user-driven and resilient e-Infrastructures and their related services. The main activities […]