H2020 PHYSICS is developing a novel FaaS (Function-as-a-Service) infrastructure for Serverless computing, which aims at unleashing the powerful of developers in implementing and deployingend-to-end FaaS workflows across multi-cloud environments. In this direction, PHYSICS built upon […]
Three Pillars of the PHYSICS End-to-End FaaS Paradigm
PHYSICS aims at democratizing and easing the deployment of the FaaS paradigm, through offering developers with popular, easy-to-use tools and techniques for designing and implementing FaaS applications. It also aims at boosting the deployment of […]
The KYKLOS 4.0 Digital Platform for the Federated Value Chains in the Circular Economy
During the last decade the advent of Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing have open up new opportunities for more flexible and optimized production processes. Thanks to the deployment of Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) systems in […]
Value at Risk Calculation on High Ingestion Data for Real-Time Trading
Practitioners in the financial industry are commonly confronted with the task of estimating the risks of their positions. Specifically, risk estimation allows them to measure and control their risk exposure when planning their investment and […]
INFINITECH-RA: Structuring End-to-End Machine Learning Pipelines for Digital Finance
Recently, H2020 INFINITECH, Europe’s flagship project for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and BigData in Digital Finance, released the first version of its Reference Architecture (RA), which is conveniently called INFINITECH-RA. INNOV-ACTS is a member of the INFINITECH consortium and […]
Revolutionizing Wealth Management with Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is currently disrupting several sectors of the economy and finance is no exception. There are many interesting uses of AI in the finance sector, including use cases with disruptive potential and opportunities […]
Securing Critical Infrastructures in the Finance Sector: The Top Five Challenges
In the era of globalization, the finance sector comprises some of the most critical infrastructures that underpin our societies and the global economy. In recent years, the critical infrastructures of the financial sector have become […]
Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM): A Simple Example
It’s quite easy to experiment with simple trading & risk assessment models using Python. One could start with the simple Capital asset pricing model (CAPM), which despite its limitations remains popular in various diversified portfolio […]
Blockchain Technology in Finance: Five Use Cases Beyond Cryptocurrencies that You Need to Know
Blockchain technology become famous following the introduction of blockbuster cryptocurrencies like BitCoin and Ethereum, which are still the sole applications of blockchains at scale. BitCoin and Ethereum have attracted the interest of the financial services […]
Information Modelling for Integrated (Cyber/Physical) Security Systems
The H2020 FINSEC project is developing a unified approach to implementing security in the financial services industry, which is based on the integrated management of both cyber and physical security threats. This unified approach is motivated by […]