THREAD is “Extending and Enhancing Research and Development Activities”. The project is funded by Cyprus’ Research Promotion Foundation under the RESTART program. The project starts on the 1st of December 2019 and ends on the 30th of November 2022 (duration 36 months).
THREAD aims at elevating and enhancing the research and development activities of INNOV-ACTS by extending the number of proposals submitted and ensuring their high quality. Drawing on the need of INNOV-ACTS to elevate its proposal preparation procedures and enhance its network, the THREAD project encapsulates set of activities that will support INNOV-ACTS to fulfil these objectives. In particular, THREAD project supports the need to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of proposal preparation procedures, as its activities aim at the development of a database of research calls, the branding of the company with respect to the different fields of research, the development of useful templates and the transfer of know-how between team members. Along the same lines, THREAD encapsulates a set of activities that are expected to boost INNOV-ACTS outreach and synergies, including the frequent blogging of INNOV-ACTS staff members on the company’s website, the preparation of research papers and participation in local and international networking events.
Grant Agreement ID: 0916/0112