Elevating experiential training for police officers through gamification technologies
The newly-launched LAW-GAME European project, (https://lawgame-project.eu/) is expected to revolutionize the digital gamification methods and elevate the experiential training of Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) and first responders through the utilisation of emerging technologies. The 3-year project, supported by the EU’s Horizon 2020 Programme, brings together 19 partners from 11 European countries in a common goal: to train LEAs in developing advanced skills and competencies for intelligence crime analysis and illegal acts prediction.
LAW-GAME will develop and design a training system based on serious games (SGs), virtual reality (VR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) assisted procedures and will offer a distinct approach to the development of LEAs core competencies within the project’s game realm. The project will develop an advanced learning experience to train LEAs and measure their proficiency in conducting forensic examination, effective questioning and recognizing and mitigating potential terrorist attacks. The project’s end-users will engage in a learning experience to develop key competencies needed for successfully operating within diverse and distributed teams; an important skill when collaborating in various cross-organisational and international cooperation situations.
INNOV-ACTS leads the work on the application of Machine learning techniques for the prediction of indicators of suspicious behaviour. Its work involves the development of a mini serious game that is destined to generate data for training ML algorithms. The mini game will be also used to train Law Enforcement Agencies (LEA) on identifying suspicious behaviour, yet it will be primary used as a data generator.