eInfrastructure Reflection Group Support Programme6

The project is a Coordination and Support Action that is co-funded by the EC as part of the H2020 program (Grant number 823761). The project starts on the 1st of January 2019 and ends on the 30th of June 2022 (duration 30 months)

e-IRGSP6 will provide the core services to the e-Infrastructure Reflection Group (e-IRG). The project will support e-IRG in its activities producing high-level policy recommendations towards the implementation of EOSC, EDI and the e-Infrastructure Commons overall. The activities include the operation of the secretariat, i.e. organization of e-IRG and outreach events and provision of secretarial support to e-IRG, its Chair and Executive Board. The provision of editorial support during the preparation of policy documents, as well as the support to e-IRG working groupsand task forces are also vital services needed by e-IRG. The communication and lie-IRGSP6 will provide the coreservices to the e-Infrastructure Reflection Group (e-IRG). The project will support e-IRG in its activities producing high-level policy recommendations towards the implementation of EOSC, EDI and the e-Infrastructure Commons overall.

INNOV-ACTS LTD will provide assistance to the e-IRG Chair and board and the hosting country of the EU presidency for the organization of delegate meetings and workshops. It will also be highly involved in the creation of policy documents of e-IRG towards the implementation of EOSC, EDI and beyond, and will support the dissemination and outreach activities of the project.

Grant Agreement ID: 823761